Before you make an order, please read these articles.
from 3rd Aug to 15th Aug.
My first visiting day is 3rd Aug (the first day)
So I accept orders of items which will be released on 3rd Aug.
The advamce payment deadline of the first visiting day is 26th July AM0:00 (Japan time)
If you order after the deadline, I will buy your items after 4th Aug.
In this event, you must pay item price + usual handling charge + contingency fee + (priority charge) + international shipping charge (with paypal charge).
1 item price (expected price)
Togainu no chi
Akira Y-shirts ver plush 3240yen
book cover B6 1080yen
glass trump ver 1028yen
bookmarke trump ver 540yen
Konoe plush 3240yen
book cover B6 1080yen
glass trump ver 1028yen
bookmarke trump ver 540yen
mouse pad trump ver 540yen
sweet pool
Yoji plush 3240yen
Tetsuo plush 3240yen
bookmarke trump ver 540yen
mouse pad trump ver 540yen
DRAMAtical Murder
ball pen Aoba 864yen
ball pen Koujaku 864yen
ball pen Noiz 864yen
ball pen Clear 864yen
ball pen Mink 864yen
ball pen Ren 864yen
ball pen Morphine 864uyen
ball pen Usui 864yen
mobile phone case Aoba 3240yen
mobile phone case Koujaku 864yen
mobile phone case Noiz 864yen
mobile phone case Clear 864yen
mobile phone case Mink 864yen
mobile phone case Ren 864yen
mobile phone case Morphine 864uyen
mobile phone case Usui 864yen
neck strap Aoba 1620yen
neck strap Koujaku 1620yen
neck strap Noiz 1620yen
neck strap Clear 1620yen
neck strap Ren 1620yen
neck strap Morphine 1620yen
big multi cloth Aoba 1080yen
big multi cloth Koujaku 1080yen
big multi clothNoiz 1080yen
big multi cloth Clear 1080yen
big multi clothMink 1080yen
big multi cloth Ren 1080yen
big multi cloth Morphine 1080yen
big multi cloth Usui 1080yen
Clear file holder set A 1620yen
Clear file holder set B 1620yen
earphone jack charm set A 2160yen
earphone jack charm set B 2160yen
mobile button sticker Aoba 702yen
mobile button sticker Koujaku 702yen
mobile button sticker Noiz 702yen
mobile button sticker Clear 702yen
mobile button sticker Mink 702yen
mug Aoba 1080yen
mug Noiz 1080yen
mug Ren 1080yen
mug Morphine 1080yen
bag pink 1080yen
bag white 1080yen
clear bookmark 540yen
mouse pad Aoba 540yen
mouse pad Koujaku 540yen
mouse pad Noiz 540yen
mouse pad Mink 540yen
mouse pad Clear 540yen
decolation jacket Aoba 540yen
decolation jacket 540yen
decolation jacket 540yen
decolation jacket Mink 540yen
decolation jacket Clear 540yen
glass 1028yen
about capsule toys, please ask me!
2 Handling charge
Please read this site.
3 contingency fee
Priority ticket 0yen/1 item
Returning customer 300yen/1 item
New customer 500yen/1 item
ex) If I can buy 4 items, you must pay 1200yen (or 2000yen) as contingency fee.
4 the order of priority
I think we can buy 1-5 for each item one day. Especially popular items will be out of stock soon.
1 Priority ticket
2 customers who don't have the priority charge but pay the priority charge
3 customers who don't have the priority charge and pay the priority charge
About priority ticket, please read the below.
* If you have the priority ticket, please tell me the number or your priority ticket.
* If you want to pay the priority charge, please tell me how much can you pay for the item which you want.
Priority chage is more than 500yen/an article of item (The bid increments is 500yen.)
The deadline of application of the first visiting day is 2th Aug 6.p.m (Japan time)
I will also accept orders from Japanese customers and don't know how many items in one day.I will inform you when I can buy.
When we spend more than 5,000yen, they will give Aoba clear file holder.
I will give it for the people in the order of descending priorities.
5 international shipping charge and paypal charge
I don't know the weight of each item, so I can't answer the international shipping charge now.
If you mind how much is the shipping cost, please don't order.
6 the result
I will inform you the result after 4th Aug.
If you read all of this article and can understand it and want to order, please write "N+C" and the password which is in a news letter.

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