Please please add my mail address to your sefe senders list, or don't use hotmail.
They are event items, I can't accept any cancellation!
If you cancel, I never accept your order!
Before you make an order, please read these articles.
Now Pokemon center accept pre-order of Nendoroid N
I can visit Pokemon center and order directly.
The current eBay price is more than 10,000yen... so expensive!
But if you buy it from me, you can pay only fixed price 5,400yen + handling charge 2,000yen (if you buy 1) + international shipping charge + paypal charge.
It is not rare and limited item, because if we go Pokemon center till 31th Aug and order, we can absolutely get!
They don't set a limitation, so you can buy as many as you want!
Please don't miss this chance!
The deadline of payment is 0:00 AM 30th Aug (Japan time)
But if you want to buy many, please ask me soon!
If you want to order, click here!

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