Before you make an order, please read these articles.
from 13th Sep to 15th Sep. (only 3 days)
I will be able to visit all 3days.
In this event, you must pay item price + usual handling charge + contingency fee + (priority charge) + international shipping charge (with paypal charge).
1 item price (expected price)
DRAMAtical Murder
plush Aoba 3000yen
plush Koujaku 3000yen
plush Noiz 3000yen
plush Clear 3000yen
plush Mink 3000yen
plush Ren 3000yen
plush Trip 3000yen
plush Virus 3000yen
plush Mizuki 3000yen
plush Sei 3000yen
plush strap Aoba 2000yen
plush strap Koujaku 2000yen
plush strap Noiz 2000yen
slippers Ren and Beni 3500yen
2 Handling charge
Please read this site. I can combine shipping, but you need to pay handling charge separately.
3 contingency fee
Priority ticket 0yen/1 item
Returning customer 300yen/1 item
New customer 500yen/1 item
ex) If I can buy 4 items, you must pay 1200yen (or 2000yen) as contingency fee.
4 the order of priority
I think we can buy only 2 for each item one day. So we can buy total 6 for each items at maximum.
1 Priority ticket
2 customers who don't have the priority charge but pay the priority charge
3 customers who don't have the priority charge and pay the priority charge
About priority ticket, please read the below.
* If you have the priority ticket, please tell me the number or your priority ticket. I will buy your items first.
* If you want to pay the priority charge, please tell me how much can you pay for the item which you want.
*Priority chage is more than 500yen/an article of item (The bid increments is 500yen.)
*The deadline of application and bidding the priority charge is 10th Sep 6.p.m (Japan time)
When we spend more than 5,000yen, they will give Aoba clear file holder.
I will give it for the people in the order of descending priorities.
5 international shipping charge and paypal charge
I don't know the weight of each item, so I can't answer the international shipping charge now.
If you mind how much is the shipping cost, please don't order.
6 the result
I will inform you the result after 4th Aug.
If you read all of this article and can understand it and want to order, please write "N+Cgift" and the password which is in a news letter.

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